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A Quick Guide to Growing in Containers

One Gallon Pot (0.14 cu. ft. potting soil)

  • 1 Micro-Dwarf Tomato
  • 1 Romain Lettuce
  • 1 Swiss Chard
  • 1 Small Beet
  • 6-8 Radishes
  • 6-8 Green Onions
  • 3 Spinach Plants
  • 3 Chives
  • 3 Parsley
  • 3 Dill

Three Gallon Pot (.46 cu. ft. potting soil)

Five Gallon Squat Pot (? cu. ft. potting soil)

Five Gallon Pot (.69 cu. ft. potting soil)

Seven Gallon Pot (.98 cu. ft. potting soil)

Ten Gallon Pot (1.4 cu. ft. potting soil)

Fifteen Gallon Pot (1.92 cu. ft. potting soil)

  • 1 Roma Tomato

Twenty Gallon Pot (2.73 cu. ft. potting soil)

  • 10 to 12 Lettuce
  • 60 Radishes
  • 60 Green Onions
  • 50 Carrots
  • 50 Beets
  • 2 Broccoli
  • 2 Cabbage