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Beds, Buckets, and Bags

Container gardening is an incredibly versatile method for nurturing your very own green space, no matter how limited your available space might be! Whether you choose to use Grow Bags, Garden Boxes, Buckets or Beds, the possibilities for growing a vibrant and thriving garden are endless. By immersing yourself in the process of container gardening, you can experience a true sense of enjoyment, as you watch your plants flourish under your expert care and attention. There are a variety of different crops that are well-suited to container gardening, such as herbs, vegetables and flowers, providing you with the perfect opportunity to explore your creative side and cultivate your own mini oases of nature. By growing your own food, you can transform your lifestyle and those of your loved ones, supporting a healthy, wholesome and self-sufficient way of life that brings joy and satisfaction to all concerned.

Growing Food & Family

Kids love gardening

Why Grow in Containers on Tables

  1. Elevated grow tables are easy on your Back.
  2. Reduced insect activity.
  3. 99% Weed-free.
  4. Elevated from rabbits.
  5. No soil grit in leaf vegetables.
  6. Harvest standing up.
  7. Allows harvesting single meal portions.
  8. Keeps large leaf plants from touching soil (reducing disease).
  9. More economic fertilizing.
  10. Portability to suit weather conditions.
  11. Accurately control watering.
  12. Takes less space.